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In 2024, the Law on Cryptocurrencies within the EU was adopted. The implementation of the Law starts in mid-February.
All holders of European cryptocurrencies must harmonize rules, organization, protection, protocols, privacy, transactions, registration, etc. With the aforementioned MICA Law, obtaining licenses and approvals will take several months.

This is the final countdown to public crypto exchanges within the EU.









IPO value: $12.60 USD

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EUME Token SmartContract:


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Here is a summary of 20 theses on the main obligations, rules and user protections that cryptocurrency holders must satisfy within the EU under the European Commission’s latest MiCA law. That is the reason why you are waiting and there is a huge job ahead of our team and investors from Israel. Support, development, innovation and placement will come from Brussels, EU.

1. Licensing and Registration: All Cryptocurrency Service Providers (CASPs) must be licensed and registered in an EU Member State.
2. Transparency and disclosure: Cryptocurrency owners and service providers must provide clear and transparent information about tokens, including white papers with key data.
3. Obligations to inform users: Users must be provided with detailed information about the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies.
4. User protection: Ensuring user rights, including protection against losses due to technical errors or fraud.
5. Obligation to protect user funds: User funds must be segregated from company funds to prevent misuse.
6. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Rules: Strict enforcement of AML rules, including customer identity verification (KYC) and reporting of suspicious transactions.
7. Privacy protection: Ensuring the protection of users’ personal data in accordance with GDPR standards.
8. Stablecoins Rules: Strict rules for stablecoin issuers, including ensuring sufficient reserves to support tokens.
9. Rules for large stablecoin issuers: Greater regulatory obligations for issuers with significant market power.
10. Prohibition of “Greenwashing”: Obligation to provide truthful data on the sustainability of cryptocurrencies to prevent false advertising of environmental characteristics.
11. Cyber ​​security and resilience: Implementation of measures to prevent hacking and ensure the technical resilience of platforms.
12. Reporting to regulators: Regular reporting to national and EU regulators about business activities and risks.
13. Initial Token Offering (ICO) Rules: Rules on transparency and investor protection during initial token issuance.
14. Prohibition of misleading advertising: Advertising of cryptocurrencies in a way that misleads users is prohibited.
15. Risks of Volatility: Informing users about the risks associated with the volatility of the value of cryptocurrencies.
16. Consumer Rights: Consumers must have the right to legal protection in the event of fraud or unfair practices.
17. Promotion of innovation: The regulation allows for a balance between the protection of users and the promotion of innovation in the sector.
18. Rules for NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): Specific rules for NFTs, which depend on their purpose and use.
19. European passporting: Service providers can operate throughout the EU after obtaining a license in one member state.
20. Sanctions for non-compliance: High penalties for entities that violate regulations, including bans and financial penalties.

The EU MiCA law aims to create a regulated and safe environment for cryptocurrency users, while promoting sustainability and innovation in the sector.

Based on the frequently asked questions about how the EUME crypto token has its value and whether it is worthless, read more about it below.

Due to the many questions surrounding the value of the EUME token and its status, below are such questions, answers, and clarifications. For all questions, you can contact us at

The EUME token has existed publicly for 3 years, with development starting 4 years ago in Israel, Russia, and Denmark. It is a currency that has its own blockchain, ETH Contract, token, transactions, and can be present in every crypto wallet that supports ETH. It has its own token units, it’s portable, persistent, and has its own servers, technical support, and development team. The EUME token is also supported by special digital projects and

Any cryptocurrency that has not yet appeared on the stock market is not worthless, but it does not have a publicly stated stock market value. Its value has not been confirmed through open market trading; it has a so-called initial value and can be traded if two parties make an agreement. There is also a saying: if the other party has accepted the trade, its valorization cannot be questioned because it exists as a permanent digital asset. In particular, it should be noted that this currency has 10 ICO phases and clearly stated purchase values. It is currently no longer obtainable through the EUME platform but is occasionally traded within the EUME community.

Here are the key points related to frequently asked questions:

1. Can a cryptocurrency project display the price on its website?

– Yes, a crypto project can display a price it has set itself, e.g., through the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or the so-called presale. The price may be determined based on internal factors (e.g., supply and demand in the early stages of sales). However, this is not a regular market value but an internally determined value that gives buyers and existing holders of the currency guidelines for the value they want to trade with each other.

2. Can the ICO or presale of a crypto token price be shown as a public value?

– Yes, the ICO price can be displayed on the site as the current public price, but with a note that it is the initial price and it can change after going public (the change can be both negative and positive). Investors and those buying the EUME token have expectations that the value of the currency will jump, which happens with all cryptocurrencies that have technical and marketing potential. Investors should know that the price can sometimes change drastically when the token becomes fully independent and liquid on the exchange.


3. What values did the EUME token have in its stages of development and ICO or presale offer?

– The EUME token has had the following USD values since the first ICO phase in March 2022:

  • March-May 2022: $0.50 – $0.70 USD
  • June-September 2022: $0.70 – $0.80 USD
  • October-December 2022: $0.80 – $1.00 USD
  • January-March 2023: $1.00 – $1.25 USD
  • April-June 2023: $1.25 – $1.80 USD
  • July-September 2023: $1.80 – $2.45 USD
  • October-December 2023: $2.45 – $2.85 USD
  • January-March 2024: $2.85 – $3.20 USD
  • April-June 2024: $3.20 – $3.85 USD
  • July 2024: $5.45 USD 

    The interval values depended on the amount to be purchased, the status of the user or community member, the previous purchase, and the demand itself.


    4. How many holders of EUME token are there?

    – There are three categories of holders:

    1. Primary holders who keep their tokens on the EUME platform and there are about 14,000 of them. They did not transfer their tokens to external wallets and they are probably waiting for token to go public.
    2. There are about 55 of secondary holders. They transferred their EUME tokens to various compatible crypto wallets and
    they are included in the official public EtherScan statistics of holders. These are technically trained users.
    3. Tertiary holders are those who purchased EUME tokens from secondary holders and we do not have any personal data about them. There are about 65 of them and they are also registered at EtherScan explorer.
    14,000 holders or startup-investors make the EUME token valuable and potentially very useful in the early stages of crypto development.

    5. Can those who own the EUME token sell it and trade with other users outside the EUME platform?

    They can trade completely, and the founders of the EUME project are not interested in it. Cryptocurrency trading is not restricted or prohibited by anything and all interested users can acquire it from other users through a special agreement, contract, monetary or material, or non-material exchange. A crypto token is a digital asset and has its own initial value. Token development involves money, human labor, marketing, servers, other equipment, software, and many other related costs.

    6. Does a cryptocurrency without a presence on a public crypto exchange have value?

    – Cryptocurrency that has not yet been listed does not have a market-tested value but may have an initial project value based on the following parameters:

      • Development of blockchain technology
      • Number of users and investors
      • Partnerships and actual use
      • Application, potential, marketing performances, recognition

      Only if the project has no purpose, doesn’t have its own website, application, explanations, or support from a community there is a risk that such a token will remain worthless when it appears on public crypto exchanges. But even then, it can have its own ICO or presale phases and can be traded between members. In particular, the EUME token is waiting to meet all the requirements of legal regulations within the EU and will appear on the Binance and Changelly public exchanges in the middle of the year. The value of the EUME cryptocurrency will be around $12.60 USD on the day of the listing.


      Each cryptocurrency can have its own value before going public. Such a value and phenomenon is called ICO or presale, but the real market-independent value will be formed only when there is open buying and selling on exchanges. It all depends on supply and demand when the token becomes available to the general public. Until then, the token can be traded completely freely between users within the community and outside of it if there are interested parties and if the other party wants to accept the offered price and wants to own such a token. It is not worthless but has not yet been publicly stated. You can compare it to the development of a concept car: you can buy it, but its serial production is still not there. The price will be determined by the owner of the vehicle development, not the market itself. The vehicle exists; it can be driven, but it is not yet in public traffic.


      The EUME token can no longer be purchased.

      Do not send us messages or ask for illegal means.

      The initial capitalization was completed according to the first owners, and the rest will go to the market, shares and will be partially released into the EU Metaverse system.

      Follow the legal preparations within the EU.

      Thank you all for your patience.